Obsidian and Notion - A Journey in Notetaking

Have you ever thought you made the right decision, based on what seemingly everyone around you is saying, but then realized seemingly everyone is wrong? Or maybe not wrong necessarily, but…incomplete? That is my experience with Obsidian so far, and why I’m currently straddling the line between it and Notion. If you’ll indulge me for a little while, I’m going to opine a bit about what I’m trying to do, my experience with both Obsidian and Notion, and why they’re both, quite frankly, terrible....

24 February 2025 · 15 min · 3126 words · Kuroshi

Homelab Migration - Part One

So it’s been a little while. A few things have happened–I’ve moved across the country to a new apartment, and just bought a house so I’ll be moving again soon. Those are posts for another time, and maybe we’ll be getting exciting home-related posts soon! For now, let’s get back to the homelab migration. I set up a new server and began the process of migrating before it got boxed up in the move, so let’s chat about that, shall we?...

13 February 2025 · 8 min · 1594 words · Kuroshi

Homelab Migration - Part Zero

My homelab is 10 years old. Almost. Well, that’s not true. I’ve had a homelab for much longer. My current server is nearly 10 years old, or at least one of them is. Whatever, the point is that it’s time for me to migrate my homelab onto more modern hardware, and with M4 Macs coming down the pipe soon, I thought it might be a good time to start to consider what I have and where I’m going....

24 October 2024 · 10 min · 2088 words · Kuroshi

MyQ Home Bridge

A bit of a different post today. Here are instructions for setting up the MyQ Home Bridge (either model) without the use of the MyQ app. You wouldn’t know it searching online or by the included instructions, but it is possible to set one of these up without a MyQ Account or the use of the app. Hopefully this will be useful to someone in the future. These are not instructions for using MyQ with Homebridge, and if you’re going that route I would just recommend using something from a company more reputable than Chamberlain, like Meross, anyway....

27 September 2023 · 4 min · 645 words · Kuroshi

Designing an Online Disccusion Board—A Thought Experiment

I’m a slow writer when it comes to this blog, and I’ve been working on it little by little since the last post. I promised in the last phost I would share how I would design an online discussion board (or link aggregator) service. A lot of things have changed since it’s been so long. I could go through and tweak some things, but I feel like leaving them gives a bit of character to the post and more accurately represents its place in time....

18 August 2023 · 38 min · 7944 words · Kuroshi

Thoughts on Reddit, Lemmy, and RSS

I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but Reddit is imploding right now. I originally considered writing this as the first of a three-part series, but instead I think I’ll make it two. In this installment, I’ll briefly discuss what my thoughts on Reddit and their current direction are and follow that up with my own plans for my future online. Spoilers: I think that’s Lemmy for me, but there are other potential options too....

30 June 2023 · 26 min · 5406 words · Kuroshi

New Blog and Mastodon

Well. Hello everyone. So with all the nonsense happening on Twitter lately, I decided I’d give Mastodon a shot, like hundreds of thousands of others it seems. Except, even though I have a Twitter account, I hardly ever use it. I never really got into it. Really, I just don’t do social media in general. I had a Facebook account too, used it for a while, but then gradually just…stopped. I had an unused MySpace back when that was a thing....

20 November 2022 · 15 min · 3177 words · Kuroshi